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HCT at Lutheran Church Kado-Kuchi
So it’s a wonderful Saturday afternoon, the sun is out and not a gray cloud in the sky with the rains having been so heavy the last few days in Abuja. Most of all, it’s the 11th of October, which means it’s officially the day of the Girl Child. Whoop Whoop!, which is why we decided to sport our IDGC Shirts again today and parade around to let everyone that the girl child is being celebrated.
Today’s activity takes place at the Lutheran Church Kado-Kuchi, Abuja, where we will be conducting HCT activities on an invitation from the presiding Reverend. It’s always a pleasure to meet forward thinking and not holier than thou men of God.
With the Church having its regional convention and following from a previously fostered relationship from past HCT activities with church, it was thought wise that OROL be invited to counsel and test members of its congregation who were in attendance at the convention. A total of 42 people were tested with no reactive persons.
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